Just Remember the Little Softness (Erinnere dich an die kleine Weichheit)

Even though it feels like it's wrong, you trust to stay open in this because it is completely opposite from your expectations. Just stay sincere. When you are staying sincere then you are not changing it, and when you are not changing it, slowly slowly you begin to see much more.


You are still familiar with this resisting part, and anything that is familiar to you is so automatic to go back in. But through this opening now you are much more aware. Even if you get lost again, you just remember this; remember this closeness to that softness, delightfulness. So if you remember that, it's just like it is inviting you back in. Anything inviting you back in, you just be this way (open), you can't have it. It's just like you are there and your face is in that direction, and then there is a connection again.

And now you are not treating your resistance as an enemy. Even your doubts, just stay so open to them. But this way you are building your trust. There is freshness in the softness.

Just remember you don't need to ever change your darkness. You just be aware of yourself, how you are being in the darkness.