Vespera by Libera

Vespera by Libera

This song was first recorded in 2001 for the album Luminosa. In 2020 Aled Jones recorded it with Libera for his album Blessings, and in 2021, 20 years after its first release, Libera re-recorded it for the album If.

Album Details:
Catalogue No: IHCD91
Format: CD digipack & Digital
Label: Libera Music / Invisible Hands Music
Number of tracks: 13

Te lucis ante terminum
Rerum creator poscimus
Ut solita clementia
Sis praesul ad custodium

Before the ending of the day
Creator of the world we pray
That with thy wonted favour thou
Would be our guard and keeper now

Keep me as the apple of an eye
Hide me under the shadow of thy wings
Keep me as the apple of an eye
Hide me, hide me, hide me
Hide me, hide me, hide me

The heaven soars with voices above
The skies resound the power of your love
The stars shine out your glorious light
Shine through our gloom and take us on high
Keep me as the apple of an eye
Hide me under the shadow of thy wings
Keep me as the apple of an eye
Hide me, hide me, hide me

Sancto Spiritu, rerum Creator